2003 年 6 月 10 日
Jeremy Stell-Smith 向我展示了一種基於抽象工廠的方法。所有可存根的服務都從單一工廠提取。此範例顯示了這樣的 Persistance 類別。
public abstract class Persistence... public static Persistence getInstance() { return (Persistence)Factories.get(Persistence.class); } public abstract void save(Object obj);
public class FooTest... public void setUp() { TestFactories.pushSingleton(Persistence.class, new MockPersistence()); } public void tearDown() { TestFactories.pop(Persistence.class); } public void testSave() { Foo foo = new Foo(); foo.save(); ... } public class Foo ... public void save() { Persistence.getInstance().save(this); }
在另一個專案中,Kraig Parkinson 展示了一個稍微不同的做法。那些需要存根的服務不是使用單一抽象工廠,而是使用原型。
public class MyFacade { private static MyFacade prototype; /** * Sets the instance of the facade that will be returned by the getInstance method * used by all clients of the facade. */ public static void setFacade(MyFacade newPrototype) { prototype = newPrototype; } /** * Returns an instance of the facade, using the prototype if set, * otherwise an instance of the facade is used during normal operation. */ public static MyFacade getInstance() { if (prototype != null) return prototype; else return new MyFacade(); }
public class MyClientTest extends junit.framework.TestCase { private class Client { public String speak(String input) { return MyFacade.getInstance().echo(input); } public void dance() { return MyFacade.getInstance().move(); } } public void testSpeak() { final String expectedInput = "bar"; final String expectedOutput = "foo"; MyFacade.setPrototype(new MyFacade() { public String echo(String input) { assertEquals(expectedInput, input); return expectedOutput; } } //Invoke code that'd invoke the facade, but remember to remove // the prototype reference once you're done with it.... try { final String actualOutput = new Client.speak(expectedInput); assertEquals(expectedOutput, actualOutput); } finally { MyFacade.setPrototype(null); } } public void testDance() { final StringBuffer proof = new StringBuffer(); MyFacade.setPrototype(new MyFacade() { public void move() { proof.append("g"); } } //Invoke code that'd invoke the facade, but remember to remove // the prototype reference once you're done with it.... try { new Client().move(); assertTrue("move was not invoked", proof.length > 0); } finally { MyFacade.setPrototype(null); } }
在本例中,Kraig 在測試方法的 finally 區塊中清理資源。另一個替代方案(我承認這是我的做法)是將清理程式碼放入 tearDown 中。